Charitable mission

The St. Katharinen- und Weißfrauenstift is an independent foundation under public law. It can look back over 775 years of history, making it one of the oldest public charitable foundations in the city of Frankfurt am Main. Donations to the foundation are made by Frankfurt’s citizens.

The foundation pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes within the meaning of the "tax-privileged purposes" section of the German tax code. The sole purpose of the foundation is to directly support and take care of single women in need within the meaning of Section 53 of the German tax code. This charitable mission is realised in particular by granting them annual pensions and providing accommodation. As a rule, the women to be cared for should be of Christian faith and have been resident in Frankfurt am Main for at least one year. A Pflegamt [administrative office] administers St Katharinen- und Weißfrauenstift in accordance with the general local by-laws.

The management regulates all legal and social matters of the foundation. More than 80 employees work in the administration of the foundation.

St Katharinen- und Weißfrauenstift finances the foundation's charitable mission from its own income from ground rent and leases as well as rental income from house and land ownership.

Story of success

Over 775 years of history at a glance

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