St. Katharinen- und Weißfrauenstift is an independant foundation by public law. It’s History goes back to well over 775 years, making it one of the oldest pulic charity foundations in Frankfurt am Main. The cause behind the foundation is to take care of and support solitary Women in need, providing them with assistance, financial aid and Housing. Many of the donations come directly from the Frankfurter citizens.
The foundation exlusively und directly pursues a charitable purpose in guidance of the Christian Faith for Frankfurter Women.
The Management tends to and regulates all legal and social affairs associated with the foundation. Over 80 employees are involved with the administration of these proceedings.
St. Katharinen- und Weißfrauenstift is financed through her own ressources by gradually developing and expanding Land- and Property ownership for their members in need and reinvesting these incomes.
© 2025
St. Katharinen- und Weißfrauenstift –
Stiftung des öffentlichen Rechts