Success story

The St. Katharinen- und Weißfrauenstift goes back to the middle ages, starting with just two nunneries: „Weißfrauen“ and „Katharinen“.

Patrician Wicker Frosch and Katharina zum Rebstock provided both nunneries with Land to help support women in need. The St. Katharinen- und Weißfrauenstift, which emerged from both nunneries in 1877, is still committed to this task today.

Conventuals, who later became known as canonesses, have been receiving foundation annuities since the beginning of the 19th century. The care office and the foundation supervision supplemented this charitable mission in 1962 with the "granting of homes". This goal is fulfilled with modern residential facilities and the continuous further development thereof. The St. Katharinen and Weißfrauenstift combines an awareness of tradition and focus on the future, as its history shows in the following.


Important dates in a long history

Overview of our history